Saturday, April 4, 2009

Imagine A Magical Josephine Wall

Receiving is the art of taking something into your awareness with all the power of your senses. It is the art of allowing, rather than reacting, being receptive, rather than active.

English artist Josephine Wall has been passionate about art since she was four years old. Now a respected artist, Josephine paints with a lively imagination and romanticism that escort her audience into a world of magical dimension. With hidden images and great detail, each painting reveals worlds within worlds which transport the viewer to places of ethereal beauty.

"Josephine's inspiration for her mystical images comes from her close observation of nature and her interest in its preservation. Though she often strives to impart a message in her scenes, she also hopes to inspire her audience to take a personal journey into the magical world of their own imagination. Josephine lives in a cottage in Poole, England, where she has created over four-hundred magnificent paintings to delight worldwide collectors." fairiesworld

The Moon Goddess-
"Draped in her glimmering veil of stars, the Goddess Selene tenderly guides the moon on its celestial journey, keeping watch over the night-bathed earth. Her face is lit by the gentle glow of moonbeams from the heavens and by the profound power of her own inner peace and love for mankind." josephinewall

This is one of Wall's less detailed paintings; however, still imaginative, powerful and magical. I'm inspired by this piece because I'm a definite night owl. I love looking (reviewing how each night is different) at the stars and moon, dreaming and relaxing. Since I'm obsessed with the night sky, Moon Goddess stood out to me the most and I felt a real, close appreciation and respect.

When I was growing up, I would always be drawing or coloring but never really perused my creative talent. Discovering Josephine Wall's work definitely lead me to be creative, be inspired by my dreams and use my imagination (since I'm a math major, I interpret things literally usually). In fall 2008, I registered for a drawing class and I loved it. It relaxed me, I let my mind wonder and ponder on various subjects from "negative painting" to "self graphite sketches" to "reflections." Apparently, I found out by taking that class, I have talent possibly peruse-able and maybe make a profession, or at least a hobby, out of drawing/painting. Epiphany!!!!!

Josephine Wall's work can now be found all over the world in many different forms including, cards, stationery, puzzles, journals, bookplates, back-to-school products, mugs, needle point kits and posters, as well as Limited edition prints. (I personally have a calender).

Wall has influenced many people and has brought a childhood imagination that has been suppressed into the subconscious of our minds back to present. Also, while looking and reviewing one of Wall's paintings, because of her use of color and her (obvious and hidden) details, we receive and take in so many things at once.

Even if you aren't really an art enthusiast, everyone can connect with a Josephine Wall painting or at least have fun trying to find hidden faces or themes. Her paintings range from zodiac signs to fairies to sky & water to goddesses to surreal to alternate dimensions. I can almost guarantee by browsing Google Images of her work, you'll find something you'll like to look at.